4th of July Tips
While the 4th of July can be a fun time for us watching all the fireworks displays, it can be quite stressful for dogs. The sudden loud explosions can make them react in all sorts of ways, increasing their stress and anxiety.
So how can we help them cope on this day?
Using positive reinforcement, we can teach our dogs that the sudden loud noises are nothing more than that – just noise. We can do this by associating the noise with a positive reinforcement, such as a treat or reward.
Set up your computer to play sounds from a fireworks display. Each time dog hears the fireworks, mark or click the event and reward the dog. Start off with the volume on a low level so as not to startle them. Keep repeating the exercise, increasing the volume as you go.
Here is a link to a YouTube video:
Ideally, this exercise should be done well in advance of the 4th.
On the big day, keep your dog indoors and occupied with their favorite toys.
If you aren’t going to be home and you need to leave the dog alone, you should find a room in your house where the noise would be at a minimum. Set up the crate in that room and put on some music to drown out the noise of the fireworks. Leave the dog with their favorite chew toy.
A tired dog is happy dog and an even happier owner. Make sure you give them lots of exercise on the 4th, leading up to the evening. This will reduce their stress and you would have released any pent up energy they may have, which will go a long way to help them relax.
Some dogs are more anxious than others and may need additional help. The use of a “Thunder Vest”, can be used to help them feel comforted. A Thunder vest is like a tight vest that goes around your dog’s torso. The effect is like the dog is being swaddled which can lead to him feeling comforted.
Beyond this you can also talk to your Veterinarian and ask them to prescribe something to keep your dog calm.